Ann Brent and my other Brent ancestors

Ann Brent (1780-1863). My 4th great-grandmother. The Brents came from Hampshire in southern England and married into the Downer family, ancestors on my paternal Finch line. The surname can derive from place names but may also refer to the Old English ‘brente’ meaning steep place – the location perhaps of where a family lived. View […]

Philip Comber (c1606-1680) – merchant tailor of London

Philip Comber (c1606-1680), Elizabeth (????-1654) and Dorothy Hounsell (????-1714). My 9th great-grand uncle and aunts. Philip Comber was probably born in West Hoathly, Sussex, but baptism records for the parish survive only from 1606 so his birth year remains a guesstimate. His parents were Thomas Rivers Comber and Ann Burstow and he received £10 from […]